Comedo like openings

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(3 votes)
 Author(s): Ralph P. Braun, Katrin Kerl
Description In this chapter we describe the dermoscopy term comedo like openings and its histopathological correlation
Author(s) Ralph P. Braun · Katrin Kerl
Responsible author Ralph Braun→ send e-mail
Status unknown
Status update May 27, 2017
Status by Ralph P. Braun

Comedo-like Openings

Comedo-like openings are commonly seen in seborrheic keratosis and rarely in melanocytic nevi with a congenital pattern, such as papillomatous nevi and in melanoma [1]. They appear on dermoscopy as dark roundish structures, and clinically, can be appreciated as surface invaginations. Histopathologically, comedo-like openings correspond to the concave, keratin filled, invaginations of the epidermis [2].

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  1. Carrera et al.: Dermoscopic Clues for Diagnosing Melanomas That Resemble Seborrheic Keratosis. JAMA Dermatol 2017;153:544-551. PMID: 28355453. DOI.
  2. Minagawa: Dermoscopy-pathology relationship in seborrheic keratosis. J. Dermatol. 2017;44:518-524. PMID: 28447350. DOI.
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