Artificial intelligence (AI) and the ISIC project

From dermoscopedia
Main PageArtificial intelligence (AI) and the ISIC projectTable of Contents data/261-280
(3 votes)
Description This chapter provides a very nice up to date overview of artificial intelligence (AI) as well as the vision on computer-assisted diagnosis in dermoscopy. It explains strategies such deep learning etc.
Author(s) Allan Halpern · P. Tschandl · Ralph P. Braun
Responsible author Allan Halpern→ send e-mail
Status unknown
Status update July 13, 2020
Status by Ralph P. Braun

This chapter provides a very nice up to date overview of artificial intelligence (AI) as well as the vision on computer-assisted diagnosis in dermoscopy. It explains strategies such deep learning etc.

It has the following subchapters:

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