
From dermoscopedia

This is the page on the glossary term Immersion which is relevant on dermoscopedia. See also the list of terms.


This glossary term has not yet been described.


 The following pages use immersion as keyword:

Principles of dermoscopyThis chapter describes the principles of dermoscopy including polarized and non-polarized light dermoscopy, as well as the differences of between the two modalities.
Principles of dermoscopy (full text)In this chapter we provide an overview on the principles of dermoscopy including polarized light, non-polarized light dermoscopy and the differences between both.

Related files (images / graphics)

 No file uses immersion as keyword.

→ index of terms


It has the following subchapters:

Dermatoscope (or dermoscope): a handheld device, equipped with a magnification lens and a light source

  • Allows to examine the subsurface morphology of cutaneous lesions, down to the depth of the superficial dermis.
  • Reveals colors and structures that are normally not visible to the unaided eye.
  • Improves the diagnostic accuracy and confidence level of experienced users, for both pigmented and non-pigmented skin lesions.
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