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(3 votes)
 Author(s): Ralph P. Braun, Katrin Kerl
Description This chapter covers the histopathological correlation of the dermoscopy term pseudonetwork
Author(s) Katrin Kerl · Ralph P. Braun
Responsible author Ralph Braun→ send e-mail
Status unknown
Status update July 2, 2018
Status by Ralph P. Braun

The anatomy of the rete ridge pattern of the face differs from that of non-facial skin, and is usually flatter. Accordingly, the pigment network is usually absent in these locations and is replaced by a pseudonetwork pattern. The "holes" in the pigmented epidermis correspond histologically to adnexal openings, such as sebaceous glands, hair follicles or sweat glands.

A pseudonetwork sketch:

Pseudonetwork schematic 23.jpg

Clinical and dermoscopic images of pseudonetwork:

Nevus face.jpg

Histologically, adnexal openings are responsible for the "holes" in the pigment reticulation:

Histology nevus face.jpg

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