Pyogenic granuloma

From dermoscopedia
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Description Describes dermoscopy of pyogenic granuloma
Author(s) Pedro Zaballos · Ignacio Gómez Martín
Responsible author Pedro Zaballos→ send e-mail
Status unknown
Status update August 15, 2017
Status by Ralph P. Braun

Common, benign, acquired, vascular lesion of the skin and mucosa. Typically presents in children or young adults as a solitary, rapidly growing, red papule or nodule that tends to ulceration and bleeding. They are related to infective organisms, penetrating injury, hormonal factors (pregnancy), retinoid therapy, or other systemic medications (i.e., docetaxel).


  • Reddish or red-whitish homogeneous area: a structureless zone whose color varies from completely red to red with whitish zones.
  • White collarette: a ring-shaped or arcuate squamous structure that is usually located at the periphery of the lesions.
  • White rail lines: white streaks that intersect the lesion.
  • Vascular structures (dotted vessels, hairpin vessels, linear-irregular vessels, telangiectasias, polymorphous vessels).
  • Ulceration may be present

The most frequent dermoscopic pattern of pyogenic granuloma consists of reddish homogenous areas separated by white lines resembling rails and surrounded by a white collarette.

Vascular Figure 4.jpg

  1. Zaballos et al.: Dermoscopy of pyogenic granuloma: a morphological study. Br. J. Dermatol. 2010;163:1229-37. PMID: 20846306. DOI.
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