
From dermoscopedia

This is the page on the glossary term Nevus which is relevant on dermoscopedia. See also the list of terms.


This glossary term has not yet been described.


 The following pages use nevus as keyword:

Benign Melanocytic lesionsClassification of benign nevi, congenital nevi, dysplastic nevi / atypical nevi, benign nevus pattern, blue nevi, growing nevi, Spitz / Reed nevi, recurrent, persistent nevi, factors that influence nevus pattern, management of nevi
Benign melanocytic nevi in skin of colorThis chapter describes dermoscopy criteria of nevi in skin of color
Benign nevus patternThis chapter describes the dermoscopy pattern found in benign nevi
Benign nevus patternThis chapter describes the dermoscopy pattern seen in benign nevi.
Classification of neviThis chapter describes the classification of nevi
ColorsIn this chapter we cover the importance of colors in dermoscopy. Colors are important becaus they provide important information on the type and anatomical locaiton of the pigment in the skin and its appearance in dermoscopy.
Correlation of dermoscopic structures on nailsThis chapter describes the correlation of dermoscopic structures on nails
DotsIn this chapter we describe dots and its histopathological correlation
FaceThis chapter describes the dermoscopy criteria of lesions of the face
Factors that influence nevus pattern (age, skin type, body site)This chapter describes the factors that influence nevus pattern ie. age, localisation, growth etc.
Level 1: NeviIn this chapter we describe the dermoscopy pattern seen in benign nevi
Meyersson neviThis chapter explains the dermoscopy of the eczematous nevus
Nevi during pregnancyThis page has not yet been summarized.
Nevus and lentigo of the nail matrixThis chapter describes dermoscopy of nevus of the nails
Recurrent / persistent neviThis chapter describes the dermoscopy criteria for recurrent / persistant nevi also known as pseudomelanoma
Structureless areasIn this chapter we describe the dermoscopy term structureless areas and their histopathological correlation including regular blotches, irregular blotches
TumorsThis chapter describes the dermoscopy aspect of different types of nail tumors such as different types of nevi, melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma etc.


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