Harald Kittler

From dermoscopedia

... has contributed one edit to dermoscopedia.

Harald Kittler



Professor Harald Kittler



Department of Dermatology Medical University of Vienna


Attending Physician


Not provided.


Role(s) on dermoscopedia:

Harald Kittler has accepted the relevant Terms of Use and Privacy Policies (Dermoscopedia: yes, ISIC Archive: yes).

Author of:

So far Harald Kittler authored 39 articles (printable publication list Chrome only):

Page Last edited Last editor Status Status date
Terminology for vessel morphology and arrangement July 2, 2018 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown June 7, 2017
Diagnostic accuracy July 16, 2018 Ralph P. Braun unknown July 24, 2018
Lines October 11, 2018 Ralph P. Braun unknown September 2018
Digital mole monitoring May 22, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown August 15, 2017
Descriptive terminology May 30, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown 2019
Dictionnaries May 30, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown 2019
Colors used in pattern analysis June 3, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown 2019
Terminology for blood vessels June 9, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown 2019
Metaphotic terminology June 9, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown 2019
Analytic approach June 9, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown July 16, 2018
Chaos and clues June 9, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown 2019
Chaos and Clues June 9, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown July 5, 2017
Prediction without Pigment June 9, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown July 5, 2017
Dots June 5, 2021 Ralph P. Braun unknown February 24, 2021
Pattern analysis December 15, 2022 Claudio Conforti unknown October 4, 2019
Structures used in pattern analysis December 15, 2022 Ludovica Toffoli unknown 2019
Definitions of metaphoric terms March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown December 27, 2017
Dictionary of descriptive and metaphoric terminology (full text) March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown June 28, 2019
Dictionary of metaphoric terms (full text) March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown July 10, 2019
Long Term Monitoring March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown August 20, 2017
Metaphoric term "Blotches" March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown September 2, 2019
Metaphoric term "Globules" March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown July 2, 2019
Metaphoric term "Dots" March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown July 2, 2019
Metaphoric term "Pigment network" March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown July 2, 2019
Metaphoric term "Patterns" March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown September 2, 2019

... further results

Responsible author of:

Harald Kittler is responsible for 37 articles:

Page Last edited Last editor Status Status date
Terminology for vessel morphology and arrangement July 2, 2018 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown June 7, 2017
Diagnostic accuracy July 16, 2018 Ralph P. Braun unknown July 24, 2018
Lines October 11, 2018 Ralph P. Braun unknown September 2018
Digital mole monitoring May 22, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown August 15, 2017
Descriptive terminology May 30, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown 2019
Dictionnaries May 30, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown 2019
Colors used in pattern analysis June 3, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown 2019
Terminology for blood vessels June 9, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown 2019
Metaphotic terminology June 9, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown 2019
Analytic approach June 9, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown July 16, 2018
Chaos and clues June 9, 2019 Ralph P. Braun unknown 2019
Dots June 5, 2021 Ralph P. Braun unknown February 24, 2021
Structures used in pattern analysis December 15, 2022 Ludovica Toffoli unknown 2019
Dictionary of descriptive and metaphoric terminology (full text) March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown June 28, 2019
Definitions of metaphoric terms March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown December 27, 2017
Dictionary of metaphoric terms (full text) March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown July 10, 2019
Long Term Monitoring March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown August 20, 2017
Metaphoric term "Blotches" March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown September 2, 2019
Metaphoric term "Dots" March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown July 2, 2019
Metaphoric term "Globules" March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown July 2, 2019
Metaphoric term "Pigment network" March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown July 2, 2019
Metaphoric term "Patterns" March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown September 2, 2019
Metaphoric term "Regression structures" March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown July 2, 2019
Metaphoric term "Shiny white structures" March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown July 2, 2018
Metaphoric term "Streaks" March 5, 2023 Karsten Hoffmeyer unknown July 2, 2019

... further results

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