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Author(s): Karsten Hoffmeyer
Annotations | |||
Description | This page contains the Index of terms of dermoscopedia. | ||
Author(s) | Karsten Hoffmeyer | ||
Responsible author | Karsten Hoffmeyer → send e-mail | ||
Status | unknown | ||
Status update | August 25, 2021 | ||
Status by | Ralph P. Braun |
This page contains the Index of terms of dermoscopedia.
- 2 step algorithm
- 3Gen
- 3gen
- AK
- Abcd
- Acne rosacea
- Acne rosacea rosacea
- Acral
- Acral melanoma
- Acro-lentiginous melanoma
- Actinic keratosis
- Age
- Ai
- Ak
- Algorithm
- Alopecia
- Alopecia areata
- Amelanotic melanoma
- Analytic approach
- Analytic terminology, analytic term
- Anatomy
- Androgenetic alopecia
- Andronenetic alopecia
- Anginoma
- Angiokeratoma
- Angioma
- Angioma serpiginosum
- Angioma, hemangioma, kaposi sarcoma, angiokeratoma
- Angiosarcoma
- Angulated
- Angulated lines
- Angulated lines (polygons - zig-zag pattern)
- Annular granular pattern
- Annular-granular pattern
- Arborizing blood vessels
- Arborizing vessels
- Arrangement
- Artificial intelligence
- Asymmetric pigmented follicular openings
- Attachment
- Attachments
- Attachments to smartphones
- Atypical network
- Atypical nevi
- Atypical pigment network
- Author
- Bap1 inactivated tumor
- Bapoma
- Basal cell carcinoma
- Bcc
- Bcc, dermoscopy
- Benign
- Benign lesions
- Benign nevi
- Black
- Blink sign
- Blood vessels
- Blood vessels, vascular architecture
- Blotch
- Blue
- Blue globules
- Blue gray dots and globules
- Blue gray ovoid nest
- Blue gray ovoid nests
- Blue nevus
- Blue structureless zone
- Blue white structures
- Blue white veil
- Blue whitish veil
- Blue-gray ovoid nests
- Body scan
- Body site
- Bogus
- Book
- Books
- Bowen
- Bowen's disease
- Brain-like appearance
- Branched streaks
- Branched vessels
- Branched vessels with rounded endings
- Broadened network
- Broadened network widening of the network lines
- Brown
- Brown or black structureless zone
- Browse
- Caffe
- Camera
- Canfield
- Centered dots vessels
- Central white patch
- Cerebriform pattern
- Cerebriform pattern (former synonyms: “brain-like appearance”)
- Ceribriform pattern
- Chainer
- Chaos and Clues
- Chaos and clues
- Chapters
- Checklist
- Chloasma
- Chrysalis structures
- Cicatrical alopecia
- Cicatricial alopecia
- Circle within a circle
- Circles
- Circles concentric
- Circles incomplete
- Circles white
- Classification
- Clear cell acanthoma
- Clinical
- Clinical examination
- Clod vessels
- Clod within a clod
- Clod within a clod (concentric clods)
- Clods
- Clods blue large clustered
- Clods blue small
- Clods brown circumferential
- Clods brown or blue concentric (clod within a clod)
- Clods brown or skin colored large and polygonal
- Clods brown yellow or orange (rarely black)
- Clods pink and small
- Clods red or purple
- Clods small round or oval
- Clods white shiny
- Clues
- Clustered vessels
- Cobblestone Globules
- Cobblestone globules
- Cobblestone pattern
- Cobblestones globules
- Coiled vessels
- Collsion
- Color
- Color wheel
- Colors
- Combination
- Combined nevus
- Comedo-like opening
- Comedo-like openings
- Comma vessels
- Computer
- Computer asissted diagnosis
- Computer assisted diagnosis
- Concentric globules
- Concentric structures
- Confocal microscopy
- Congenital nevi
- Congress
- Context
- Contribute
- Corkscrew vessels
- Correlation
- Cristalline structures
- Criteria
- Crown vessels
- Crypts
- Curved vessels
- Cutaneous b cell lymphoma
- Cutaneous larva migrans
- Cutaneous mastocytosis
- Darier
- Darier's disease
- Dariers disease
- Deep learning
- Delicate network
- Demodicidosis
- Depigmented structureless area
- Dermal nevi
- Dermatitis
- Dermatofibroma
- Dermatopathology
- Dermatoscope
- Dermatoscopy
- Dermlite
- Dermo
- Dermoscopedia
- Dermoscopes
- Dermoscopic structures
- Dermoscopy
- Descriptive term
- Descriptive terminology
- Desmoplastic melanoma
- Device
- Df
- Diagnosis
- Diagnostic
- Diagnostic accuracy
- Diagnostic strategy
- Dictionnary
- Difficult
- Diffuse pigmentation of variable shades of grey
- Digital camera
- Digital dermoscopy
- Digital mole monitoring
- Discoid lupus
- Discoid lupus erythematosus
- Disease
- Dissecting cellulitis
- Dissecting cellulitits
- Dot
- Dots
- Dots any color
- Dots brown central (in the center of hypopigmented spaces between reticular lines)
- Dots gray
- Dots gray and circles gray
- Dots irregular
- Dots or clods white clustered or disseminated
- Dots peripheral arranged in lines
- Dots regular
- Dots white four arranged in a square
- Dotted vessels
- Download
- Dysplastic nevi
- Dysplastic nevus syndrome
- Eccentric brown (tan) structureless area
- Eczematous nevus
- Edit
- Editing
- Electrical impedance
- Else
- Entomodermoscopy
- Equipment
- Erosion
- Event
- Evolution
- Exceptions
- Exostosis
- Experience
- Face
- Facial skin
- Fat fingers
- Fibrillar pattern
- Fibrillar pattern linear
- Fibroepithelioma
- Figures
- File handling
- File upload
- Files
- Fingerprint like structures
- Fingerprint pattern
- Fingerprint-like areas
- Fingerprinting
- Fissure
- Fissures and ridges
- Fitzpatrick
- Follicle openings
- Follicular signs
- Follicules
- Folliculitis decalvans
- Folliculitits decalvans
- Fotofinder
- Fractured hairs
- Full body imaging
- Furrow ink test
- General dermatology
- General medecine
- General medicine
- Genetic disease
- Genital
- Globular pattern
- Globule
- Globules
- Globules cobblestone
- Globules irregular
- Globules regular
- Glomerular vessels
- Glomus cell tumor
- Glomus-cell tumor
- Granularity
- Granuloma annulare
- Granulomatous
- Granulomatous skin disease
- Growing nevi
- HPV infection
- Hair
- Hair follicle
- Hair shaft
- Hair shafts
- Hair: dermoscopy
- Hairpin blood vessels
- Halo nevus
- Handheld scope
- Handheld scopes
- Heine
- Helical vessels
- Help
- Hemangioma
- Histiocytofibroma
- Histiocytosis
- Histology
- Histopathology
- Homgenous pattern
- Homogeneous blue pattern
- Homogeneous brown pattern
- Homogeneous light brown pigmentation
- Homogeneous light brown pigmentation
- Homogeneous pattern
- Homogeneous tan pattern
- Homogenous blue pattern
- Homogenous pattern
- How to
- How to: Log in
- Hpv
- Hyperpigmented
- Hyperpigmented structureless area
- Hypomelanotic melanoma
- Hypopigmented
- Hypopigmented structureless area
- ISIC Archive
- Icon
- Images
- Imaging
- Imaging technique
- Immersion
- Immunotherapy
- Importance
- In situ
- Incognito
- Ines curved and thick in combination with clods
- Ines white perpendicular
- Infection
- Infectious
- Infectious disease
- Inflammation
- Inflammatory
- Inflammatory diseases
- Inflammoscopy
- Ink test
- Inserting files
- Instructions
- Interfollicular skin
- International Dermoscopy Society
- International Skin Imaging Collaboration
- International Society for Digital Imaging of the Skin
- International dermoscopy society
- Intradermal nevi
- Involution
- Irregular Gobules
- Irregular blotch
- Irregular dots
- Irregular globules
- Irregular hyperpigmented structureless areas
- Irregular network
- Irregular streaks
- Isdis
- Isic
- Isic archive
- Junevile xanthogranuloma
- Juvenile xanthogranuloma
- Kaposi sarcoma
- Keras
- Keratinizing tumor
- Keratoacanthoma
- LM
- Lacunae
- Large blue gray ovoid nests
- Larva migrans
- Lattice-like pattern
- Leaf like areas
- Leaf like areas (sometimes variously shaped large clods have also been termed leaf like areas)
- Leaf-like areas
- Leishmaniosis
- Lentigo
- Lentigo maligna
- Lentigo maligna melanoma
- Lesions
- Lice
- Lichen
- Lichen planopilaris
- Lichen planus
- Lichen planus like keratosis
- Lichen sclerosus
- Light brown structureless area
- Linear dots
- Linear irregular
- Linear vessels
- Lines
- Lines angulated or polygonal (facial skin)
- Lines angulated or polygonal (non-facial skin)
- Lines branched
- Lines brown curved parallel thin
- Lines curved and thick
- Lines curved and thick in combination with clods
- Lines parallel short crossing ridges (volar skin)
- Lines parallel thick on the ridges (volar skin)
- Lines parallel thin in the furrows (volar skin)
- Lines parallel thin in the furrows and crossing the ridges (volar skin)
- Lines radial
- Lines radial and segmental
- Lines radial circumferential
- Lines radial connected to a common base
- Lines radial converging to a central dot or clod
- Lines reticular
- Lines reticular and thick
- Lines reticular and thick or reticular lines that vary in color
- Lines reticular and thin
- Lines reticular hypopigmented around brown clods
- Lines reticular white
- Lines white perpendicular
- Lines, radial (always at periphery)
- Links
- Lip
- Lm
- Lmm
- Log in
- Looped vessels
- Lorem ipsum
- Lplk
- Lupus
- Lupus erythematosus
- Lupus vulgaris
- Lymphangioma circumscriptum
- Lymphoma
- MAY globules
- Machine vision
- Malignant
- Malignant lesions
- Malignant onyhopapiloma
- Management
- Mastocytosis
- Melanocytic
- Melanoma
- Melanoma, skin
- Melasma
- Menzies method
- Merkel cell carcinoma
- Metadata
- Metaphoric
- Metaphoric term
- Metaphoric terminology
- Meyerson nevus
- Microvenular hemangioma
- Miescher Nevus
- Milia like cysts cloudy or starry
- Milia-like cyst
- Milia-like cyst ("cloudy or starry")
- Milia-like cysts
- Milky red areas
- Milky red globules
- Mimickers
- Mission statement
- Mobile dermoscopy
- Mobile teledermoscopy
- Mole monitoring
- Molluscum contagiosum
- Monomorphous vessels
- Morphology
- Moth eaten border
- Moth-eaten border
- Mucosa
- Mulluscum
- Multicomponent pattern
- Multiple blue-gray non-aggregated dots and globules
- Multiple nevi
- Mxnet
- Mycosis fungoides
- Naevus bleu
- Nail
- Nail dermoscopy
- Nail dermoscopy, nail
- Nail matrix
- Nail melanoma
- Nails
- Navigate
- Negative
- Negative network
- Negative pigment network
- Network
- Network-like structures
- Neural networks
- Nevi
- Nevus
- Nevus classification
- Nevus pattern
- Nexus
- Nodular
- Nodular basal cell carcinoma
- Nodular melanoma
- Non melanocytic
- Non melanocytic lesions
- Non polarized dermoscopes
- Non polarized dermoscopy
- Non polarized light
- Non-pigmented
- Nonmelanocytic
- Nonscarring alopecia
- Normal finding
- Normal hair, normal scalp
- Npd
- Oct
- Online
- Onychomatricoma
- Onychopapilloma
- Onychotillomania
- Optical coherence tomography
- Oral
- Other
- Other resource
- Others
- Others, else
- Ovoid nests
- Palms
- Parallel furrow pattern
- Parallel furrows pattern
- Parallel ridge pattern
- Parasitosis
- Password
- Patchy reticular pattern
- Pathology
- Pattern analysis
- Patterns
- Pearls on a string
- Pediculosis
- Peppering
- Peppering / granularity
- Perifollicular skin
- Peripheral globules
- Peripheral reticular with central globules
- Peripheral reticular with central hyperpigmentation
- Peripheral reticular with central hypopigmentation
- Peripheral rim of globules pattern
- Persistant nevus
- Philosophy
- Philosphy
- Pigment network
- Pigment network atypical
- Pigmentations
- Pigmented
- Pigmented basal cell carcinoma
- Pigmented purpuric dermatoses
- Pink structureless zone
- Pinkus
- Pityriasis rubra pilaris
- Placeholder
- Plexus
- Podcast
- Podcasts
- Point
- Polarized
- Polarized dermoscopy
- Polarized light
- Polychromatic structureless zone
- Polygons
- Polymorphous vessels
- Popcorn like structure
- Porokeratosis
- Poroma
- Port wine
- Port wine stain
- Pregnancy
- Presentation
- Primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma
- Principle
- Principles
- Prokeratosis
- Pseudmelanoma
- Pseudo-network
- Pseudonetwork
- Pseudopods
- Pseudopods circumferential
- Pseudopods circumferential or lines radial circumferential
- Psoriasis
- Pyogenic granuloma
- Pytorch
- Radial streaming
- Radial vessels
- Rainbow pattern
- Rating
- Recurrent nevus
- Red
- Red lacunes
- Red-purple lacunes
- Reed nevus
- References
- Refractive index
- Regression
- Regression structures
- Regular Globules
- Regular blotch
- Regular dots
- Regular globues
- Regular globules
- Regular hyperpigmented structureless area
- Regular streaks
- Ressources
- Rete ridges
- Reticular lines
- Reticular pattern
- Reticular pattern with peripheral globules
- Rhomboids
- Ridge
- Rim of brown globules
- Rosacea
- Rosettes
- Rule
- S
- Sarcoidosis
- Scabies
- Scalp
- Scalp diseases
- Scalp psoriasis
- Scar-like depigmentation
- Scc
- Scc in situ
- Scibase
- Sebaceous hyperplasia
- Seborrheic dermatitis
- Seborrheic keratoses
- Seborrheic keratosis
- Sensitivity
- Serpentine vessels
- Serpiginous vessels
- Session
- Seven
- Sharply demarcated border
- Sharply demarcated scalloped border
- Shiny white areas
- Shiny white blotches and strands
- Shiny white lines
- Shiny white streaks
- Shiny white streaks (former synonyms: chrysalis - chrysalids - crystalline)
- Shiny white structures
- Short term monitoring
- Skin
- Skin cancer
- Skin of color
- Skin type
- Skin types
- Smartphone
- Smartphones
- Soc
- Solar lentigines
- Solar lentigo
- Soles
- Special locations
- Specificity
- Spitz nevi
- Spitz nevus
- Spoke wheel area
- Spoke wheel like structures
- Spreading
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- Ssm
- Starburst pattern
- Starbust pattern
- Strawberry pattern
- Streaks
- String of pearls
- String of perls
- Structureless
- Structureless any color
- Structureless area
- Structureless brown (tan) eccentric
- Structureless brown area interrupted by follicular openings
- Structureless brown interrupted by follicular openings
- Structureless red area interrupted by follicular openings
- Structureless red interrupted by follicular openings
- Structureless zone blue
- Structureless zone brown or black
- Structureless zone pink
- Structureless zone polychromatic
- Structureless zone white
- Structureless zone white central
- Structures
- Subtypes
- Subungual hemorrhage
- Sun damage
- Sun damaged skin
- Superficial
- Surface glare
- Suton nevus
- Symmetric brown follicular pigmentation
- Symmetric follicular pigmentation
- Systems for digital dermoscopy
- Table of contents
- Tablet
- Tablets
- Tada
- Tan structureless area
- Tape stripping
- Targetoid dots
- Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma
- Targetoid vessels
- Teledermoscopy
- Telemedecine
- Telogen effluvium
- Tensorflow
- Term
- Terminology
- Terminology (metaphoric term)
- Terminology (vessel morphology - vessel arrangement)
- Terminology (vessel morphology - vessel)
- Terminology (vessel morphology)
- Terminology, metaphoric term
- Terminology, vessel morphology, vessel arrangement
- Test
- Three-point
- Tick bites
- Tinea capitis
- Tinea nigra
- Tipps
- Total body imaging
- Total body photography
- Trauma
- Trichoscopic patterns
- Trichoscopic structures
- Trichoscopy
- Trichotillimania
- Trichotillomania
- Tricks
- Tumor
- Tumors
- Tungiasis
- Tutorials
- Two-step algorithm
- Tyndall effect
- Typical network
- Typical pigment network
- Ugly nevi
- Ulceration
- Unna nevus
- Uploading files
- Urticara
- Urticaria
- Urticaria vasculitis
- User account
- User page
- Variant of spoke wheel area
- Vascular
- Vascular lesion
- Vascular lesions
- Vascular structures
- Vasculitis
- Vessel arrangement
- Vessels
- Video
- Videos
- Viral infections
- Volar skin
- Warts
- White central structureless area
- White central structureless zone
- White scar-like depigmentation
- White scarlike depigmentation
- White structureless zone
- Wobble sign
- Workshop
- Youtube
- Zig-zag pattern
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